According to some news reports PCB, through its director operations Zakir Khan, has made it clear that in future no player, including the captain, is allowed to talk to media unless authorized by PCB. This news has come at a time when Pakistan is in the middle of a complete revamp of the its team. According to Zakir Khan, PCB is establishing a strict code of conduct that was included in the recent short term contracts given to the players before the start of Abu Dhabi series, under which no player is allowed to speak to media, without any exceptions, unless authorized by the PCB or team manager within three months of the completion of the series. Zakir Khan went on to say that action will be taken against the players who went against this code of conduct after Abu Dhabi series. According to some inside sources PCB is also considering a suggestion that in future no player is allowed to be contracted with a media outlet without prior permission from the PCB.
I think its about time that PCB does something about such issues since in recent months almost every player has been eagerly talking to media about various issues including the issues of coaching and captaincy. Although at certain times, the media is to blame when it comes down to asking every player about their intentions to be captain and then sometimes quoting them out of context, it is also important for the players to understand that when they speak to journalist, they will be reported in the media. Pakistani players can't be naïve enough to not understand the implications of such interviews, especially when they have been playing international cricket for an extended period of time while traveling throughout the world and interacting with people including media personnel around the world.
While PCB is right to devise a code of conduct for players, it might not be a bad idea to make a code of conduct for its own officials so that they are held accountable if they are unable to perform their functions properly. The primary function of every PCB official should be to promote and develop the game of cricket in Pakistan, which should ultimately result in developing an infrastructure that produces not only great players but also great teams. As it is now, most of the Pakistani players are a product of great individual talent and skill that without any benefit from any of the measures PCB has taken over the years. They come into the national team directly from gali and mohalla cricket with very little input from the domestic infrastructure, while earning great accolade for the nation and a lot of money for PCB. Like what happened to Inzamam, after giving their golden years to the nation, their honor is dragged in the streets upon their retirement while the officials always escape unscathed. Looking at such results and considering the remunerations paid to various PCB officials, the time has come for these officials to also sign a code of conduct that should result in disciplinary action, their possible immediate removal as well as some form of financial penalty, if they fail to achieve their goals within a specified period of time.
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